1,001 Netizens: Comments on Alibaba and the SAIC
2015-01-29 01:30

1,001 Netizens: Comments on Alibaba and the SAIC

The following are comments from netizens voicing their thoughts via Weibo, links provided.

此事是政府监管部门多年来欺小畏大、执法不公、袒护少数的恶果。工商总局拿阿里巴巴开刀,显示了市场管理水平的进步,也凸显了 "法律面前人人平等" 之任重道远。马云,请自重!(Link)
Translation: This is the consequence of the authorities' long-time biased regulation. Now, cracking down on Alibaba shows signs of improvement on market regulation and suggests we are nowhere near equality before the law yet. Jack, behave yourself!


TranslationChina would have been conquered by eBay and Amazon, were it not for Jack Ma's Alibaba and Taobao.


Translation: I have seen the published reports. It drew a conclusion based on very limited number of samples. It is not serious and is misleading. Although I am only a customer, I support Taobao in suing it!


Translation: I admire Jack Ma, we need him to fight for the rights we own. What he did is far beyond what a common businessman can ever do. Meanwhile, I can tell that our government doesn't want Alibaba to become too strong to be controlled.

BABA股价破百,美国律所Carroll, Burdick & McDonough驻北京执行合伙人、专门研究知识产权问题的贝康西尼(Paolo Beconcini)表示,阿里巴巴的反应如此强烈,他觉得有点反常,一般来讲企业会和政府进行协商。(Link)

Translation: Executive Partner Paolo Beconcini from the U.S. law firm Carroll, Burdick & McDonough said that it is abnormal for Alibaba to fight back in such an aggressive way. Normally, an enterprise will negotiate with the government (in private).

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